The joint exhibition by Matthias Krauß and Alexandra Reichart was shown at the Kunsthafen in Cologne in October 2021.
It explores the boundary between the longing for closeness and the impossibility of touch and intimacy.
Large, raw latex surfaces that turn towards and away from the audience create a connection between the visitor and the space.
A finger writes possible love letters on a typewriter, alone and automatically, which repeatedly digress into the absurd and frightening. They are written by no one to no one. What remains is a bland emptiness and distance.
Closeness as core topic
The theme of ‘closeness’ is deeply anchored in the artists‘ works and takes on an even deeper meaning due to the pandemic. Of particular interest is the question of how dealing with closeness during the Covid pandemic has a retrospective effect and how it affects us as a society in the long term.
Music for (Latex and) Light Bulbs:
Concert by Bernhard Hollinger
Projects from the exhibition
On a typewriter, a single finger writes love letters and letters of physical desire. The finished letter falls down and a new one is created. They are conceived and written by a machine.
Feel in my Skin
„Feel in my Skin“ sind Abgüsse der Oberkörper von Alexandra und Matthias. Jede Pore, jede Falte, jedes Detail ihrer Haut wurde mit Latex abgeformt. Der Versuch, sich so nah wie möglich zu kommen, in die Haut der anderen Person zu schlüpfen, sie ganz auszufüllen. Intim, martialisch und Zeugnis einer tiefen Sehnsucht.
So wie Erinnerungen und der Wunsch nach Nähe kommen und gehen, nähert und entfernt sich der aus Latex geschaffene Abdruck eines heruntergekommenen alten Bremer Restaurants und nimmt Besucher:innen in sich auf.
Moving images. Derealization is an alteration in the perception of the external world, causing those with the condition to perceive it as unreal, distant, distorted or in other words falsified.